March 16, 2020

Dear Partner

We hope You, Your family and colleagues are well and safe during this exceptional period of COVID-19 spreading across the world.

The number of COVID-19 cases in Finland is rapidly increasing. The Finnish Government has today made several restrictions and taken preventive actions in order to minimize COVID-19 impact on the people and businesses. The health and safety of our employees is our top priority.

All schools and kindergartens will be closed until 13th of April, 2020. This, among the epidemic itself, will have severe effects on our employees and further on our production and shipments for the next following weeks. We will inform all our partners separately about the effects of the shipments to each country. Please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions.

 We will do our utmost to keep the production and the shipments on-going. However, we do not know yet how long this crisis will take and how long it will affect our daily work.

We all ask kindly for your understandings and we will naturally keep you informed about our situation during this challenging time.

We wish you and your nearest and dearest all the best – stay well.


With best regards

Riikka Järvinen

Managing Director, co-owner